Our Sheep


The Border Leicester is a long wool breed of sheep having been around since the 1700's. The breed was first introduced here in the USA by George Washington. Along with the decline in the wool carpet industry, the wool breeds became less popular. However, with the increased interest in hand spinning and other crafts, the Leicester has again become quite popular once again. Mature rams weigh from 225 to 325 pounds and ewe weights range from 175 to 275 pounds. 

If you are looking for some Leicester Sheep, contact Cinderella Farm for availability.


There are several breeds of sheep that can produce natural color. Our Leicesters are one of those breeds but we have to use selective breeding to get those natural colored fleeces. The staple length of the  Border Leicester fleece ranges from five to ten inches.

Leicester Sheep are an important part of the specialty wool market. Craftsmen who spin their own wool appreciate colors as much as the white wool.





Website by The Bryan Group